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Biosan Steridet

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BIOSAN STERIDET is a multipurpose sanitizing powder that exploits the associative effect of its components, which in addition to having a detergent action are able to produce in environments and equipment where it is used, unpleasant conditions for bacteria, viruses and fungi thanks in the presence of oxidizing agents acting in synergy with the other constituents of the product.
BIOSAN STERIDET has wide range of applications (livestock producers, veterinary hospitals and farmers), it’s flexible and fast-acting (perfect for: surfaces, equipment, vehicles, aerial disinfection, water systems), ensuring biosecurity reassurance even with low temperatures and high levels of organic residuals.


Formulated to offer a wide versatility of use. At normal dilutions of use it doesn’t present a hazard profile according to the classification of REACH & CLP regulations which makes it safe and low impact.

It is recommended to use the product after having carried out a preliminary cleaning of the rooms. This in zootechnical field can result in the macro mechanical removal of residues (for example the litter of a poultry farm at the end of the cycle) followed by a cleansing appropriate to the nature of the residues to be removed.
BIOSAN STERIDET is an appropriate solution even for the inaccessible areas of the building and the air, using a high efficiency nebulizer (at the doses of use it can also be sprayed in the presence of livestock or poultry).

Even water systems can potentially contain a certain viral and bacterial contamination, BIOSAN STERIDET will clean the system inducing adverse conditions for viruses, bacteria and the fungus growth.

We also recommend the use of our BIOSAN OPP and NEO OPP biocides
under registration in the form of a fumigant tablet.


All in one biosecurity. The perfect multi-purpose sanitiser: in a single solution for surfaces, equipment, vehicles, air sanitization and water distribution systems.
Security: biosecurity assured even with low temperatures and high levels of organic residues.
Flexibility: for a wide range of applications, it can be used with a fine mist sprayer (even in the presence of livestock or poultry) or simply diluted in water (even hard water)
Easy transport and storage.
Chemical/ physical data:

Physical state: powder

Color: pink

Solubility in the water (37°C at the use dosage) : complete

pH(sol. 1%): 2,5–3,5

Active oxygen: 2.4 %

Flash point: not applicable

Conditions of use:

For a periodic treatment:

Prepare a 1% ÷ 3% solution (mix until complete solubilization of the powder). Use 300 ml of solution with a pressure pump (even at low pressure) for every 1 M2 of surface.

Treatment of areas and equipment at the end of the processing cycle: (cages, incubators, worktops, clothes and professional tools): 300 ml / M2 of BIOSAN STERIDET in diluted aqueous solution 1: 100/1: 200

Other applications:

Hygienic prevention of areas and equipment: 300 ml / M2 of BIOSAN STERIDET in diluted aqueous solution 1: 100/1: 200, depending on the type of microorganisms and the degree of contamination.
Air treatment: spray 1 L of BIOSAN STERIDET in diluted aqueous solution 1: 200 for every 100 M3 of volume even in the presence of animals.

Storage e conservation:

Store in a cool and dry place closed in original containers. Prepare the solution in the required quantities and use it within 24 hours.


UNI EN 1656 Quantitative suspension test for the evalutation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in veterinary field.
UNI EN 1657 Quantitative suspension test for the evalutation of fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in veterinary field.
UNI EN 1276 Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in food, industrial, domestic, and institutional areas.
UNI EN 1650 Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in food, industrial, domestic, and institutional areas.
UNI-EN 14675: 2015 Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area.
EN 14476: 2014 + A2: 2019 Guideline Virucidal quantitative suspension test for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in human medicine.

(*) Test with the certificate of GLPs (Good Laboratory Practices)

The original certificates are available on request.


The following table shows the results of effectiveness achieved:

Test method Species Conc. % Result

UNI EN 1656

(For bacterial)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 PASS
Proteus hauserii 1 PASS
Enterococcus hirae 1 PASS
Staphylococcus aureus 1 PASS
Salmonella enterica subsp. typhimurium / Salmonella enterica subsp. enteriditis 1 PASS

UNI EN 1276

(For bacterial)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1 PASS
Proteus hauserii 1 PASS
Enterococcus hirae 1 PASS
Staphylococcus aureus 1 PASS
Eschericchia coli 1 PASS

UNI EN 1657

(For yeast and fungi)

Candida albicans

UNI EN 1650

(For yeast)           


UNI-EN 14675: 2015

(For Virus)

EN 14476: 2014 + A2: 2019 

Guideline (For Virus) – (*)

UNI-EN 14675: 2015

(For Virus)

Candida abicans

African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV) using
the surrogated Vaccinia Poxvirus

Coronavirus 229E

Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus (PPRV)
(with the surrogate Measles virus)









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